Create Binomo Demo account with Gmail
To create an account on Binomo, simply visit a website and click on the "Sign in" button located in the top right corner of the website.

To register using a Gmail account, simply click on the button labeled "Gmail" in the registration form.

To proceed, simply enter phone number or email in the new window and click "Next".

Enter Gmail password, then click "Next".

Registration is complete! New user have $10,000 in Demo Account which allows to practice trading skills and try out new mechanics on a real-time chart without risks. To start Live trading, new user need to make an investment in new account.

Create Binomo Demo account with Facebook
Any user also have the option of registering new account through Facebook. To do so, simply click the "Sign in" button in the top right corner of the platform, followed by the "Facebook" button. It's just a few simple steps.

To access account, user will be prompted to log in using Facebook credentials. Simply enter the email address that used to register on Facebook and associated password, then click on the "Log In" button.

After clicking "Log in" Binomo will request access to user name, profile picture, and email address. Click "Continue" to proceed.

Once have completed the previous step, user will be directed to the Binomo platform automatically.
Create Binomo Demo Account with Email
To create an account on the platform, simply click on the "Sign in" button located in the upper right corner and fill in the necessary information. Provide an email address and a secure password, and select the currency for all your trading and deposit operations. Be sure to tick the box to accept the service agreement before clicking "Create account".

After entering email address, a confirmation email will be sent. Click the "Confirm email" button to unlock additional platform capabilities and protect new account.

Email has been confirmed successfully. User will be redirected to the Binomo Trading platform automatically.

Great news! Registration was successful and email has been verified.
Create a Binomo Demo account using a mobile web browser
To get started, open mobile browser and go to the broker's website.

To register, user have two options: sign up through a social network like Facebook or Google, or manually enter the information required for account registration. Let's walk through the second option. First, enter a valid email address. Next, create a strong password. Then, select the currency want to deposit and withdraw funds in Binomo. Finally, make sure to check the box to accept the service agreement.

New user can trade on the mobile web version of the platform, which is the same as the regular web version. There should be no issues with trading or transferring funds.

Create Demo account using the Binomo iOS app
Trade on-the-go with the Binomo app for iPhone. Download "Binomo: Online Trade Assistant" from the App Store.

Any user can open a Binomo account on the iOS app by following the same steps as the web app. Enter your email and password, choose your account currency, and click "Sign up".

Trade Binomo on iPhone or iPad with $10,000 in new Demo account.

Create Demo account using the Binomo Android app
To access the Binomo app on any Android mobile device, user can download it from Google Play by searching for "Binomo - Mobile Trading Online" and installing it on android device. This app is widely recognized as one of the best apps for online trading, and has received high ratings in the store.

To register a Binomo account on the Android mobile platform, simply enter email address and create a new password. Then, click "Sign up".