
Binomo Verification

To start trading on Binomo, create a demo account by going to the website, clicking "Try Demo" or "Sign in", filling out the registration form, selecting currency, and clicking "Create account." Use the demo account to practice trading and get familiar with the platform without risking real money before switching to a real account.

Verification confirms trader's identity and means of payment (e.g. bank cards). It is required by financial market regulators and payment service providers, and is a standard procedure for all trading platforms. Every Binomo trader will need to go through verification at some point. After verification, funds withdrawals will be restricted until the trader has been verified.

Verification also protects trader's funds. Verified users have a chance to recover funds if account is stolen. Check the Client Agreement, paragraphs 4 and 5, for more information on user verification.

Verifying Binomo account

After request verification, user will receive a notification and the "Verification" option will appear in the menu. To verify identity, click "Verify" in the pop-up notification or click on profile picture to open the menu and select "Verification" from the options.

Verify Identity in Binomo
Verify Identity in Binomo

Go to the "Verification" page with a list of documents to verify. Verify identity by clicking the "Verify" button next to "ID Card".

List of all the documents to verify
List of all the documents to verify

To begin verification, mark checkboxes and click "Next". Select the country and document type from the drop-down menus, then click "Next". Binomo accepts passports, ID cards, and driver's licenses. Different countries may have different accepted documents, check the full list.

Selecting the document type
Selecting the document type

Upload chosen document, starting with the front side, and then the back (if double-sided). Binomo accept files in jpg, png, or pdf formats. Ensure that document is valid for at least one month from the upload date (validity is irrelevant for residents of Indonesia and Brazil) and is legible, with clear indication of user full name, numbers, and dates. All four corners of the document should be visible. Once have uploaded both sides of document, click "Next.”

Upload the document
Upload the document

To upload a different document, press "Edit". When all ready, press "Next" to submit. After successfully submitting, press "OK" to return to the "Verification" page. User ID will be verified within 10 minutes, and once confirmed, user can verify payment methods.

Identity confirmed
Identity confirmed

If payment methods are not to be verified, user will receive the "Verified" status immediately and be able to withdraw funds.

How to Verify Bank Card on Binomo

To verify a payment method, user must first verify identity by following the instructions in the article above. Once confirmed, verify bank cards by clicking user profile picture, selecting "Verification" from the menu, and then clicking the "Verify" button.

Bank card verification
Bank card verification

User will be redirected to the "Verification" page where can select an unverified payment method. Choose a method and click "Verify". Upload a photo of the front side of bank card showing the cardholder's name, card number, and expiration date. Binomo accepts photos in jpg, png, and pdf formats. Then, click "Next"

Bank card photo uploading
Bank card photo uploading

Great, photo has been successfully submitted! Just press “OK” to return to the “Verification” page. The verification status of bank card will change to “Pending”. Please note that it may take up to 10 minutes to verify bank card. Remember that need to verify all of the payment methods on the list to complete the verification process.

Bank card verification status
Bank card verification status

After verification, user will receive a notification and can withdraw funds.

How to verify if a Bank Card is Non-Personalized

To continue, please provide a picture of the front of bank card where can see the card number and expiration date. In addition, need a photo of a bank statement that shows the stamp, date of issue, and name. The statement should be from no more than 3 months ago. Binomo accept photos in the following formats: jpg, png, pdf. Once have the required photos, press “Next” to proceed.

Verify a non-personalized Bank Card
Verify a non-personalized Bank Card

Documents are submitted successfully. Press "OK" to return to the "Verification" page. Bank card verification may take up to 10 minutes and will be marked as "Pending". Verify all payment methods on the list to complete the verification process.

How to Verify a Virtual Bank Card on Binomo

Upload a screenshot of virtual bank card with visible and readable first 6 and last 4 digits of card number, expiration date, and cardholder’s name. Accepts jpg, png, and pdf formats. Press "Next".

Verify a virtual Bank Card
Verify a virtual Bank Card

Screenshot has been successfully submitted. Press "OK" to return to the "Verification" page. Bank card verification status will change to "Pending". Verification of all payment methods on the list is required to complete verification and may take up to 10 minutes.

When can take out money?

Trader can take out money right after account has been verified, which usually takes less than 10 minutes. Binomo will process user's withdrawal requests within 3 business days. Funds arrival time varies by payment service provider.

Account Verification Time

Account verification takes less than 10 minutes. In some rare cases, manual document review may take up to 7 business days. You can still deposit and trade while waiting, but withdrawals will be unavailable until the verification process is finished.

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